I'm a man with Russian blood and American ideals. Avoiding controversy is not my strong suit.
Born on the heels of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians grafted in as first-generation Americans in the early 1990s are evidence of America's victory over the Communist ideology. Or are they, rather, evidence of Russia's occupation of American soil? We can't say, "The Russians are coming." They're already here. They own property, run businesses, and control resources. When American soil was the first ground my Russian flesh touched - as is true for my 30 first cousins born here after me, just in my family - who's greatness did that proclaim, and who's did it sabotage? Does U.S. immigration speak to America's greatness in attracting foreigners? Or does it speak to America's feebleness in allowing its heritage to be diluted?
There has been plenty said about the U.S. immigration crisis. Countless screen pixels have been burned reading and misreading publications about legal and illegal immigration, arguing for and against more positions than are actually held. Everybody and their mom have something to foam about. Conservatives, Liberals, Libertarians, Theonomists, Nationalists, Baptists, and even Evangelical Dispensationalists have come out of their bunkers to peak at the commotion. Throw a dog a bone. Throw three so they don't eat each other.
A few weeks ago, Elon and Vivek did just that. They gifted the online rage community just what they wanted for Christmas - something else to burn their keyboards over. Running up against the "America First" community, the Elon-Vivek Duo came out in support of a meritocratic H-1B program. Lines were drawn. Positions were taken. Who would have thought the likes of Auron MacIntyre and Bernie Sanders could ever be on the same side? What better way to celebrate the Holiday season? Merry Christmas, boys and girls. Have some eggnog.
Now that Christmas is behind us (even the Russian Orthodox version), and all the grifters are onto the next hot controversy, it's time we calmly chuck another bone into the mix. Maybe we can agree that U.S. immigration must be legal for it to be legitimate. It's a challenge, but let's try. And maybe we can agree that a determining factor for its legality should not be hot, Anglo-Saxon blood running through the applicant's veins. I know, it's difficult for some of you. Humor me. Can we simply address for a moment the presented case for a meritocratic H-1B program?
Before I get accused of purple prose - and for the sake of fairness - allow me to ensure clarity. My use of the word, "grifters" is most-definitely not encompassing. The democratization of media has done much good, in giving more people microphones. Even though there's more static than music on these inter-webs, there are plenty of smart commentators on all sides. But with more opinions, comes not just more wisdom, but also more folly. So, if it sounds like I'm being insulting, perhaps I am. Or, I may just be enjoying the English language a bit too much. Imagine if I was writing in Russian.
The essence of the conversation boils down to this post by Mr. Musk himself:
"It comes down to this: do you want America to WIN or do you want America to LOSE. If you force the world’s best talent to play for the other side, America will LOSE. End of story."
Which was followed up with this post by Vivek:
"America-First means we want America to WIN. Playing for second place doesn’t cut it."
The objective is clear. Victory for America is what we're after. But what does that mean? And how do we get there?
We all want to Make American Great Again. But the fight for America's greatness will produce no "win" if we define greatness with as much clarity as Justice Jackson defines "woman." We can try our hand at navigating the depths of human thought to shed light on what constitutes a nation. But I'm on a word count. We'll have to agree that "America" at the very least must include "Americans." Not everything needs to be complicated. America does not "WIN" if Americans "LOSE." The fight for America's greatness is the fight for American greatness.
There is an abundance of data on H-1B applications. Robert Sterling has helpfully compiled much of it, with graphs and all. H-1B approvals are heavily weighted towards companies headquartered in India. If these Indian companies are achieving greatness through America's meritocratic H-1B program, how does that reflect on American greatness? Whose greatness are these H-1B applicants building?
I'll leave out the issue of undercutting market wages by outsourcing to cheap immigrant labor. I'll leave out the race for green cards as incentive for H-1B. I'll leave out the stories about visa fraud and worker trafficking. I'll let the conspiracy theorists argue with the conspirators themselves. Suffice it to say that if we're after America winning, it'd be good to make sure America is indeed the one doing the winning.
Now as to the "how we get there." Elon, Vivek, and others argue for the necessity of the H-1B program to be based on competence and culture. Americans, they say, fall short when it comes to the competence required for innovative growth, and the culture needed for copious production. In simplistic terms, Americans are stupid and lazy, so we must look elsewhere if we are to MAGA it up.
I won't address the tone-deafness of that messaging, especially on the heels of the November 5th mandate the American people gave President Trump. Trump's entire movement is to proclaim that Americans are capable - brains and brawn - to fend for themselves.
But let's put all of that aside. As an employer myself, I sympathize with the hunt for smart and hardworking individuals. Let's say that Elon and Vivek are correct. For the sake of argument, let's cede the point that Americans are stupid and lazy and need help from foreigners. It's not as hard to imagine as some people think. Apathy and complacency are real problems for us. But can we ask a more fundamental question? Will a merit-first work-visa system bring about the win we so desperately long for?
If I were a Putin-supporting Russian answering this question, I might tell you a story of the founding of America's Anglo-Saxon history in the 6th century. A story of how through compromise and treachery, the Saxons were allowed to invade and conquer the Britons after Arthur. And how through shrewdness and justice, Alfred kept the Danes out of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. But I have American ideals. Let's get to the point.
Alfred understood what many Americans refuse to accept. You cannot put flies in the perfume and expect the same scent. If a culture of greatness is what we want, how do we get that? What we love about America is rooted in our Christian heritage. American exceptionalism is true to the extent that America is the downstream flow of Christian ideals imbued into civilization, and our founders doing their best to submit to God’s will in the governance of their fellow man. Even Elon admits as much. Victory for America is not gained by diluting Christian culture with pagan merits - whether those pagan merits come from Americans or foreigners. Do we really think that approving 800k H-1B applications/renewals per year won't have a diluting effect on America's foundation? Importing pagan culture makes pagan culture. This isn't about race or ethnicity. My ideals may be American, but my own blood is Russian. This is about a different sort of blood. A culture built on sharing in the atoning blood of Christ is what leads to greatness.
How does that play into work-visas and immigration? Should we have religious tests in the application process? Like Alfred overseeing the conversion and baptism of the Danish leader Guthrum, should we require immigrants become Christians if they are to work for America's greatness? It seems farfetched and problematic. I'll leave the details for a longer exposition.
The point is this: a solely meritocratic work-visa system will not achieve the greatness we desire. It's not just about brains and brawn. As C.S. Lewis pointed out, "Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil." If we want America to win, we need to look to the ultimate Victor. America will not be great again without America being Christian again.